Friday, February 24, 2012

One Word:


I got word that the eggs I sent out will be hatching in about the next 24 hours.  The issue is that when they were candled it appeared that only three weren't going to hatch.  That's 33 chicks minus the one that they dropped about a week ago (which apparently would have hatched).  Assuming that their candling abilities are somewhat reliable, I should end up with 32 chicks out of my 36 eggs.

That's a lot of fried chicken.  Oh boy.  I am going to hatch out about 18 more in a month or so.  So, it looks like there will be lots of chickens to butcher in late July.

Anyone interested in organic chicken?

Farmers are excited by this kind of bumper crop - I don't think I could get this lucky again if I tried.  Maybe I should have planted wheat west of the house!


  1. awesome!! I'm thinking the eggs I sent should be hatching any day now too. YIPPEE!!!
